EZ Green Screen 6 Tutorials
NOTE: EZ Green Screen 6 is the old version.
To see tutorials for the new version 7, click HERE.
EZ Green Screen Install
Need help with installation? If so, watch these videos.

Basic Workflow
Watch this video first - This tutorial show a basic workflow for extracting an image and creating a compostion using EZ GReen Screen and Photoshop.

EZ Green Screen User Interface Overview
This tutorial shows the basic features of the EZ green Screen user interface. It does not cover details about any of the adjustments. It covers mainly the navigation of the UI.

NEW – EZ Green Screen 6.5 Extension Panel!
For CC 2018.1 and higher, there is now an additional Extension Panel. This is an additional workflow panel for post extraction editing. Note: The normal plugin filter is still compatible with CS5 and higher. Only the additional extension requires CC 2018.1 or higher.

NEW - EZ Green Screen 6 Green Clothing Recovery
EZ Green Screen 6 has several new methods for recovering green clothing.

Select and Recover Green Foreground Area
There are several ways to recover green areas. For interior areas that don't border the screen, this is the easiest method.

Spill Correction with Yellow Clothing
Working with yellow clothign is simple. There are several ways to adjsut the spill correction so it doesn't afect yellow clothing. You can also save the settings as a preset.

Edge Hair Color and Lighting Blending
EZ Green Screen can optimize stray hair color and brightness so you get a perfect blend into ANY background color.

Transparency Mask Adjustments
This is a detailed tutorial covering the transparency mask software adjustments in EZ Green Screen. It covers both single mask and dual mask.

User Defined Keep and Remove Mask Areas
EZ Green Screen makes is easy to fix issues from the screen set up or lighting. It is simple to select and remove dark shadows on the screen. You can also recover reflected areas and other green areas on the foreground.

Spill Correction Explained
Spill Correction done right! This lesson covers all of the spill correction adjustments. It explains the difference between the spill correction opacity and the spill color range. Once you understand these adjustments, you can fix any spill issues.

Green Clothing Recovery - OLD Method
This is an older method for recovering green clothing. For CC 2018.1 or hgiher, you are much better off using the green recovery method from the the HTML panel. However, the method in this tutorial can be useful for CS5 or CS6 which doesn't support HTML panels.

Creating Composition Images
This lesson shows how to add backgrounds in EZ Green Screen. Also, you will learn how to move, scale, and adjust the image lighting inside of the plugin.

Chroma Key Screen Color Analysis
EZ Green Screen can now do an analysis of the color of your screen. You can easily see if the color and lighting is optimal for either blue screen or green screen.